Innovation Engineering Marine Flywheels Drive Plates Spacer Box SuperDrive Assemblies DynoStart Dyno Test Dynamometers Dynos. Marine fly wheels high torque drive plates and spacer boxes Dyno DynoStart SuperDrive Assemblies and manufacture dynamometer components. marine flywheels, SuperDrive, SuperStart, dyno, dynamometer, spacer boxes, high torque drive plates, racing auto parts, racing flywheels, marine flywheels, marine racing,Dynamometers dynamometer  dynos test

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Puts starter on the dyno.
Dual rotation starters available.
Fits SuperFlow  SF-871 or 833 absorbers.
Can retrofit customers Spacer Box


Part# 6032 DynoStart for SF-901/871 Absorber with 8" Automotive Spacer Box

Dyno-Start Superflow

Part# 6031 DynoStart for X-Test/833 Absorber with Pt# 6010 15" Automotive Spacer Box

Superflow Newsletter

“Find a way to get the starter off the engine and onto the absorber and it will save me up to 45 minutes work on every engine I put on the dyno,” declared Jon Kaase, IHRA’s leading ProStock engine builder. The challenge was set for Steve McAllister of Innovation Engineering. Kaase wanted a unit that fit his big block Ford engine applications. Steve and Jon worked together to build a steel bellhousing with a single reverse rotation starter and an aluminum flywheel that mounted on the absorber hub. Jon went on to say, “Our 814 cubic inch Pro Stock motors kick back now and again and the reverse rotation starters are expensive. We keep a spare on the shelf and one out for rebuild.” Seeing the benefit of Jon’s application inspired Steve to design a starter unit for the SF-833 and SF-871 absorbers. The prototype SF-871 DynoStart debuted in the dyno cell at the 2002 PRI show and has been in continuous service in SuperFlow’s test cell three in Colorado Springs ever since. Innovation Engineering has been shipping SF-871 Dynostart units for SF-901 and X-test dynos since the first of the year and SF-833 and SF-833 X-test units since May.